
April 14, 2011
Self Development…Sharpening the axe.

Catching Up
In 1901, there was a meeting of scientists of that time in London. They came up with the following conclusions: It was not possible to fly a metal in the air and it was not possible for any vehicle to move at up to 36 miles per hour without choking whoever was in it. All these were according to the level of information available then. If such assertions were true, how then did we come about the aero plane?

Knowledge keeps up doubling in every field in about every five years. By implication, what you knew about your vocation or career five years ago is already obsolete. If you are still operating your business or career on the strength of knowledge acquired five years ago, you are behind competition.

The greatest leading edge of this age is to keep up by reading wide. Not just academic books. Read about people, places, and discoveries. Read biographies, novels, magazines, etc. When you read a man’s book you peep into his mind. When you read about others you learn from their mistakes and harness their ideas.

Than experiment with your life and not live to utilize the deductions why not read about others who tread such paths and learn from them? By virtue of information, the capacity of your mind is enormously enlarged.The relentless studious life of high performers in various fields supports the fact that there is correlation between learning from books and performance in any profession;

Anthony Robbins grew to become a consultant to companies like IBM, US Army, etc. by reading.

Bill Gates, world’s richest businessman and greatest computer guru sets time aside every year just to update his knowledge consuming volumes of materials.

Paul Yonggi Cho, the pastor of the largest church in the world with about 1 million membership said he spends 70% of his time studying.A university study found that almost one-third of all physicians were so busy working, that they were two years behind in the latest developments in their field. Albert Einstein said, “The problems we face today cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were when we created them.”Seize every opportunity to keep growing by reading and intensive research in your field of endeavour.

Study has shown that the men who have ruled the world were basically equipped through reading. The same study showed that these people read an average of 20 books a year. So, if you think your mental capability is only one fifth of these top shots why not read five times the volume they read, then, you’ll be at par.

Reading 100 books a year isn’t too much. Is it?“A university study found that almost one-third of all physicians were so busy working, that they were two years behind in the latest development in their field.” Wisdom CapsulesWhat really matters is not what happens to us but what happens in us.True faith has hands and feet. It takes action.
 – John Mason.Struggle is the proof that you have not yet been conquered. – Mike Murdock.The optimist sees the doughnut, the pessimist sees the hole.
 – Mcland Wilson.New ideas pass through three periods: 1) It can’t be done. 2) It probably can be done but it’s not worth doing. 3) I knew it was a good idea all along.
 – Arthur Clarke.A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is a visible labor and there is an invisible labor.
 – Victor Hugo.‘Blessed’ is a man who risks nothing for he shall lose nothing, gain nothing and become nothing.
– David Olaoye. Impossible is Nothing‘It is only called impossible because no one has done it yet.’The Wight brothers were told … IMPOSSIBLE.
Had they agreed, there would be nothing like an aero plane.Building a cathedral, all glass … IMPOSSIBLE … Robert Schuller did it in California.
Transplant a human Heart … IMPOSSIBLE … It’s been done over and over.
Quit pursuing what ever you have in mind for any other reason but not because it’s ‘IMPOSSIBLE’.“If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” – Albert Einstein.