
A number of stress management techniques have been proposed and are being employed by psychologists and stress experts. However, none can compare with the numerous admonitions ingrained in the word of God. The bible contains all that is needed for overcoming these harmful, stress provoking emotions, cultivating good social relationships as well as philosophy of life that truly liberates us from the bondage of stress. 

Below are some examples of these passages of scripture:

(1)        Anger, Hostility           Eccl. 7:9; Prov. 16; 32; Col. 3:12,13
(2)        Hurry and Impatience:     Prov 19:2; Psalm 37:7; Psalm 27:13.
(3)        Overwork:                                           Gen 2:1-3; Ex. 18:13-18; Mark 6:31.
(4)        Worry and anxiety                              Matt. 6:31-33; Phil. 4:6,7; Rom. 8:28
(5)        Fear:                                                   Psalm 27:1; Psalm 46:1,2; Psalm 56.
(6)        Competitiveness/ strife for control/ selfish use of other people:
   Prov. 23:4; Matt. 20:25-28; Rom 12:3, 16; Phil. 2:3,4.

  1. S.I McMillen: None of These Diseases (Marshall Morgan and Scott, 1984)
  2. Jean Carper: Food your miracle medicine (Harper Collins, 1993)
  3. Frank B. Hu et al: how to cut your type 2 diabetes risk 90%; Health Scout news, September 12, 2002. (
  4. Atoba M.A, Olubuyide I.O: Risk and social factors in Nigeria patients with Dyspepsia, Nigerian Medical Journal Vol. 19 No 1, 1989.
  5. David show et al: Stress linked to heart deaths in women. Health scout news, August 12, 2002 (; Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association, August 13, 2002.
  6. Richard Surwit: Managing stress keeps Type 2 diabetes in check. Health Scout news, January 4, 2002 (